Source code for domain_utils.domain_utils

from functools import wraps
from ipaddress import ip_address
from tldextract import TLDExtract
from urllib.parse import urlparse

NO_SCHEME = 'no_scheme'
HTTP = 'http'
HTTPS = 'https'
WS = 'ws'
WSS = 'wss'

def _load_and_update_extractor(function):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if 'extractor' not in kwargs:
            if wrapper.extractor is None:
                _extractor = TLDExtract(include_psl_private_domains=True)
                wrapper.extractor = _extractor
            return function(*args, extractor=wrapper.extractor, **kwargs)
            return function(*args, **kwargs)
    wrapper.extractor = None
    return wrapper

[docs]def is_ip_address(hostname): """ Check if the given string is a valid IP address """ try: ip_address(str(hostname)) return True except ValueError: return False
def _adapt_url_for_port_and_scheme(url, extractor): # To handle the case where we have no scheme, but we have a port # we have the following heuristic. Does scheme have a . in it # which is stdlib behavior when not recognizing a netloc due to # lack of //. If TLDExtract, can find a suffix in the _scheme # then it's probably a domain without an http. purl = urlparse(url) _scheme = purl.scheme if '.' in str(_scheme): # From the docs: "urlparse recognizes a netloc only # if it is properly introduced by ‘//’". So we # prepend to get results we expect. if extractor(_scheme).suffix != '' or is_ip_address(_scheme): url = '//{url}'.format(url=url) elif url == purl.path: # this is the case where the url has no scheme # and we are trying to access the root. Ex: localhost:5000 url = '//{url}/'.format(url=url) return url @_load_and_update_extractor def _get_tld_extract(url, **kwargs): extractor = kwargs.get('extractor') if not isinstance(extractor, TLDExtract): raise ValueError( "A tldextract::TLDExtract instance must be passed using the " "`extractor` keyword argument.") scheme = kwargs.get('scheme', True) path = kwargs.get('path', True) return_unparsed = kwargs.get('return_unparsed', False) use_netloc = kwargs.get('use_netloc', True) scheme_default = kwargs.get('scheme_default', HTTP) stemmed = stem_url( url, return_unparsed=return_unparsed, scheme_default=scheme_default, scheme=scheme, path=path, use_netloc=use_netloc, extractor=extractor, ) return extractor(stemmed)
[docs]def get_etld1(url, **kwargs): """ Returns the eTLD+1 (aka PS+1) of the url. Parameters ---------- url : string The url from which to extract the eTLD+1 / PS+1 extractor : tldextract::TLDExtract, optional An (optional) tldextract::TLDExtract instance can be passed with keyword `extractor`, otherwise we create and update one automatically. kwargs: The method preprocesses the url with ``stem_url`` before extracting the domain. You can pass in ``stem_url`` parameters if you wish to change the behavior in some specific way. Returns ------- string The eTLD+1 / PS+1 of the url passed in. If no eTLD+1 is detectable, an empty string will be returned. Returns an IP address if the hostname of the url is a valid IP address. """ parsed = _get_tld_extract(url, **kwargs) if parsed.suffix == '': return parsed.domain else: return f'{parsed.domain}.{parsed.suffix}'
[docs]def get_ps_plus_1(url, **kwargs): """An alias for ``get_etld1``.""" return get_etld1(url, **kwargs)
[docs]@_load_and_update_extractor def hostname_subparts(url, include_ps=False, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of slices of a url's hostname down to the eTLD+1 / PS+1. Parameters ---------- url : string The url from which to extract the hostname parts include_ps : boolean, optional If ``include_ps`` is set, the hostname slices will include the public suffix For example: ```` would yield: * ``["", "", "", ""]`` if ``include_ps == False`` * ``["", "", "", "", "com"]`` if ``include_ps == True`` kwargs: Additionally all kwargs for get_etld1, can be passed to this method. Returns ------- list (string) List of slices of of a url's hostname down to the eTLD+1 / PS+1. """ ext = _get_tld_extract(url, **kwargs) etld1 = get_etld1(url, **kwargs) # If an IP address, just return a single item list with the IP if is_ip_address(ext.domain): return [ext.domain] # We expect all eTLD+1s to have at least one '.' # If they don't, the url was likely malformed, so we'll just # return an empty list if '.' not in etld1: return [] # Build a string of the URL except the suffix domain_less_ps = '.'.join([ url_part for url_part in [ext.subdomain, ext.domain] if url_part != '' ]) # Assemble subparts list subparts = [] if domain_less_ps != '': domain_parts_to_pop = list(reversed(domain_less_ps.split('.'))) while len(domain_parts_to_pop) > 0: domain_parts = list(reversed(domain_parts_to_pop)) + [ext.suffix] subparts.append('.'.join(domain_parts)) domain_parts_to_pop.pop() if include_ps: subparts.append(ext.suffix) return subparts
[docs]@_load_and_update_extractor def stem_url( url, return_unparsed=True, scheme_default=HTTP, parse_ws=True, scheme=False, path=True, use_netloc=True, extractor=None): """ Returns a url stripped to just the beginning and end. More formally it returns ``(scheme)?+(netloc|hostname)+(path)?``. For example ```` becomes ```` URL parsing is done using std lib `urllib.parse.urlparse <>`_. A url is parsed if it has a qualifying scheme. The qualifying schemes are ``http``, ``https``, ``ws`` and ``wss``. Websocket schemes can be omitted using the ``parse_ws`` parameter. Additionally, the ``scheme_default`` parameter provides a scheme where the url doesn't contain one. The default is ``http`` and so urls without a scheme will, by default, be considered as http and therfore parsed. What is returned for unparsed urls is determined by the ``return_unparsed`` parameter. Parameters ---------- url : string The URL to be parsed return_unparsed : boolean, optional Action to take if scheme is not parsed e.g. ``file:`` or ``about:blank``. If ``False``, the result for non parsed urls will be an empty string If ``True``, the result will be the original url, e.g. ``about:blank`` -> ``about:blank`` even if ``scheme=False``. See method description to understand whether a URL is parsed or not. Default is ``True``. scheme_default : string, optional This parameter is passed to scheme parameter of `urllib.parse.urlparse`. This causes urls without a scheme to return the scheme default. Default is ``http``. parse_ws : boolean, optional If ``True``, then ``ws`` and ``wss`` urls are parsed. Default is ``True``. scheme : boolean, optional If ``True``, scheme will be prepended in parsed result. Default is ``False``. path : boolean, optional If ``True``, path will be included in parsed result. Default is ``True``. use_netloc : boolean, optional If ``True`` urlparse's netloc will be used. If ``False`` urlparse's host will be returned. Using netloc means that a port is included, for example, if it was in the path. Default is ``True``. extractor : tldextract::TLDExtract, optional An (optional) tldextract::TLDExtract instance can be passed with keyword `extractor`, otherwise we create and update one automatically. Returns ------- string Returns a url stripped to (scheme)?+(netloc|hostname)+(path)?. Returns empty string if appropriate. """ url = _adapt_url_for_port_and_scheme(url, extractor) purl = urlparse(url, scheme=scheme_default) _scheme = purl.scheme # Will we parse schemes_to_parse = [HTTP, HTTPS] if parse_ws is True: schemes_to_parse += [WS, WSS] if _scheme not in schemes_to_parse: if return_unparsed is True: return url return '' scheme_out = '' loc_out = '' path_out = '' if scheme is True: if _scheme in schemes_to_parse: scheme_out = '{scheme}://'.format(scheme=_scheme) if path is True: path_out = purl.path if use_netloc is True: loc_out = purl.netloc else: loc_out = purl.hostname return '{scheme_out}{loc_out}{path_out}'.format( scheme_out=scheme_out, loc_out=loc_out, path_out=path_out, )
[docs]def get_stripped_url(url, **kwargs): """Alias for ``stem_url``.""" return stem_url(url, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_scheme(url, no_scheme=NO_SCHEME): """ Given an url, extract from it the scheme. Parameters ---------- url: string The URL from where we want to get the scheme no_scheme: any The value to use if no scheme is detected. Default is ``no_scheme`` Returns ------- string Returns the scheme with a default of 'blank' if no schema is provided """ scheme = urlparse(url).scheme if scheme: return scheme else: return no_scheme
[docs]@_load_and_update_extractor def get_port(url, extractor=None): """ Given an url, extract from it port if present. Parameters ---------- url: string The URL from where we want to get the scheme extractor : tldextract::TLDExtract, optional An (optional) tldextract::TLDExtract instance can be passed with keyword `extractor`, otherwise we create and update one automatically. Returns ---------- int Returns port in the url. If port not found, returns ``None``. """ url = _adapt_url_for_port_and_scheme(url, extractor) return urlparse(url).port